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Hashish, or hash, is a drug made from the resin of the cannabis plant.[2] It is consumed by smoking a small piece, typically in a pipe, bong, vaporizer or joint, or via oral ingestion(after decarboxylation). As pure hashish will not burn if rolled alone in a joint, it is typically mixed with herbal cannabis, tobacco or another type of herb for this method of consumption.[citation needed] Depending on region or country, multiple synonyms and alternative names exist.[3] Hashish Hashish (shown...

Pre rolls

There’s just one thing: A lot of people think they’re junk. “Out of maybe the 50 pre-rolls that I’ve got from dispensaries, two of them have been smokeable,” laments one cannabis-focused YouTuber.“The rest have just been disgusting. They’ve gone in the trash, they’ve gotten broken up, they’ve just not been smoked. It’s pretty gross.” He’s not alone. Many in the cannabis community steer clear of pre-rolled joints because of the perception that they contain low-quality cannabis. But where did th...

Banana Cartridges

About this product Indica-dominant cultivated from OG Kush and Banana strains. Up to 75% THC. Flavor Profile: B-A-N-A-N-A-S! A tropical vacation at your fingertips when you inhale the sweet and smooth flavors of a banana and relax into good vibes. The Effects: A great nighttime choice, this strain induces a mellow sense of relaxation and subtle euphoria. • All natural, ultra-refined cannabis oil • CO2 extracted and terpene enhanced • Pre-filled glass cartridge • Wickless, ceramic heating...

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