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Mandarin Cookies

  MVN  EXPAND These cookies ain't for rookies. Herbert Fuego Why Colorado Tokers Love Mandarin Cookies HERBERT FUEGO | DECEMBER 12, 2018 | 5:47AM Facebook Twitter   email Print Article AA I like to think I’m a pretty hip guy. My beard’s trimmed, I get most of the shit on Saturday Night Live. My memes are fresh. And when something starts attracting adulation, I want to find out why. So after visiting the third dispensary in a row with a jar of Mandarin Cookies, I decided to...

Afghan kush

Description The original ‘AK’, brought from the heart of the Hindu Kush mountain range where its genotype has been selected and perfected over centuries to be the ultimate source of cannabis resin. Fragrant north Indian charas and sticky black Afghani hashish are both largely produced from Kush plants — a subset of the Indica family which may be considered definitive examples of that line.Afghan Kush produces a heavy yield and remains compact, especially working with clones. Growers who flowe...

Afghan Kush

Kush is a strain of Cannabis indica. The origins of Kush Cannabis are from landrace plants mainly in Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan and North-Western India with the name coming from the Hindu Kush mountain range. 

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